5 Common Reasons For A Smartphone To Run Slowly

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You probably use your smartphone for everything from checking business emails to streaming videos, so any noticeable decrease in speed can impact multiple parts of your life. While a smartphone can slow down simply due to old age, there are several other potential causes that have relatively easy fixes.

With that in mind, here are just five common reasons why your smartphone might be running slowly.

1. You've Skipped an Update

Most people assume updates aren't too important. However, using an older version of your smartphone's operating system can greatly reduce the device's speed. This is largely because you will suddenly be trying to run apps built for the latest operating system using older software. You should also ensure your apps are up to date since running older apps on newer operating systems can also cause slowdowns.

2. You Have Malware

Malware doesn't often affect smartphones, but the possibility is there. If you jailbreak your phone, the risk of malware is much higher. Since malware makes your smartphone use more energy by running its own tasks in the background, your device will probably run much slower if it is infected. This is a problem you should address without delay since malware can compromise your security.

3. You're Running a Bad Background App

It's often smart to keep apps running in the background, and most won't use any energy when they aren't being actively engaged with. However, some apps that are left running in the background can get stuck in loops or develop bugs, and this will usually make your smartphone run noticeably slower. You can check for this issue by shutting down all apps and seeing if the problem resolves itself.

4. You Have a Full Cache

Your smartphone's browser will keep a cache of recently visited web pages, plus data such as login info and cookies. While maintaining this data can improve your browsing experience, a cache that gets too big can also reduce the speed of your smartphone. Fortunately, it's easy to clear the cache to quickly improve performance.

5. You're Letting It Get Too Hot or Cold

Finally, it's worth remembering that smartphones that become too hot or cold will run slowly, so sluggish performance may simply be down to exposing your smartphone to such temperatures. This is particularly likely to be the cause if your smartphone goes through periods of slowness rather than getting gradually slower, so make sure you keep your device out of direct sunlight and protected from extreme temperatures.

Contact a company like Always Apples to learn more. 
